Poetry Pro-Am is a

  • Weekly writing exercise
  • Virtual parlor game
  • Midweek poetry party

in which we will write poetry in collaboration with our poets.

Please join us!

Even if

  • You don't write poetry:

    The exercises come with easy-to-follow suggestions.

  • You don't want to write at all:

    Just enjoy reading the poems.

  • You're at work:

    There's no video or audio involved in this activity, so you can keep a browser tab discreetly open on this site throughout the hour.

One afternoon a week, I will post two poems by well known poets of the present or past and we'll write our own poems using those poems as models or inspirations.

The model poems will come with suggestions that will make it easy for even non-writers to join in. Experienced poets can ignore the suggestions and write whatever they like.

Participants can submit the poems they come up with, and I'll share a selection of them with the entire group.


[Suspended temporarily while I work on a version of the site that will also let you create your own private sessions with your friends. Keep watching this site, or follow me, for an announcement of the grand reopening.]

Poetry Pro-Am is the creation of Freeman Ng, a former Google software engineer who is now writing and creating digital art full time.

Freeman is also the creator of:

Basho's Haiku Journeys

A haiku picture book (and contest!)

Haiku Diem

A daily haiku feed

Who Am I?

A personalizable picture book

The House We Sheltered In

A freely downloadable and printable pandemic picture book


A novel of Joan of Arc

Deep Wall

A.I. assisted digital art

Today's session has begun! Check in to join:

Today's model poems

1 of 1

[None yet.]

Inaugural Session Coming Soon!

The launch of Poetry Pro-Am will be occurring on Wednesday, February 2, at 1pm Pacific Time (3pm ET).

Session Ended

The latest Poetry Pro-Am session has ended. Check the schedule box above to see when the next one will begin.

Session starting soon!

Today's Poetry Pro-Am session is starting in .

For now, you can browse last session's model poems and some of the poems participants wrote in response.

Enter your style imitation here

( left in the session)

  • You can include your name with your poem if you wish, by simply adding it to the text above.
  • By submitting, you're releasing your poem under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license that allows others to freely reshare it as long as they credit you and Poetry Pro-Am, don't modify the poem, and don't use it for commercial purposes.
  • Poems you submit could be shared with the other participants in this session as a Featured poem.
  • Please do not post anything obscene, abusive, hateful, or hurtful.

Today's featured poems